
Recognizing the increasing need of ad hoc and innovative mathematical and statistical tools for current and emerging metrological applications, the Workshop is aimed at presenting recent developments in Mathematics and Statistics applied to the several areas of the Science of Measurements. Session topics include but are not limited to:

-        Interlaboratory data evaluation

-        Uncertainty and measurement quality evaluation

-        Regression and inverse models

-        High dimensional, dynamic and complex models

-        Bayesian models

-        Simulated experiments and computational methods

-        Machine Learning, artificial intelligence and Big Data analytics

-        Statistical engineering

-        Design of experiments

-        Sampling and sequential design

-        Time series analysis

-        Conformity assessment, reliability and quality control

-        Chemometrics

-        Biostatistics

Researchers and practitioners from the international metrology community and the mathematical/statistical community, including experts from Academy, Industry and Standardization, are welcome to join the Workshop, in order to strengthen connections and collaborations and to provide benefit for the fields of interest. Youngest researchers are strongly encouraged to attend the conference for nurturing scientific and  professional interactions at lower registration fees.

The invited speakers are

Upon agreement with the corresponding Editors-in-Chief, Statistica Applicata – Italian Journal of Applied Statistics (, Measurement Science and Technology ( and Accreditation and Quality Assurance ( journals are ready to host a special issue dedicated to the Workshop.

The call for submission of papers to these special issues will be in June 2019.

itENBIS is the Italian local network of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS). It is a group of Italian ENBIS members that commit themselves to the ENBIS mission while operating on the national scale, with the aim to promote business and industrial statistics.

INRIM – Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, is the national metrological institute of Italy, a public body under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, University and Research. Its main research and development areas are in fundamental physics, nanoscience and metrology for quality of life. INRIM holds the chair of WG1 of the JCGM  and is a member of MATHMET.

The official language of the Workshop is English.